This well written book by the celebrated Brand Management Authority Amit Nagpal, combines both practical and spiritual wisdom. He makes it abundantly clear that Self Knowledge in some form or the other is essential for living the joyful happy life, along with possessing the basic understanding of our normal everyday self.
Recession and economic turmoil across the world is forcing us to reflect whether we are giving too much importance to money and material as our primary sources of joy. 7 colours make a rainbow, 7 chords make music, 7 days make a week, and 7 continents make a world. 7 has something special about it. Call it Lucky 7 or Spiritual 7.
With a Foreword by the well known author and President of Ramana Maharishi Foundation UK, Alan Jacobs, Nagpal’s likeable, easy-to-read, contagiously encouraging book draws on 7 major joys of life viz. knowing yourself, connecting with self, discovering deepest passion, taking decisions with wisdom, relating with people, rejuvenating self and pampering ourselves. The book starts with a prologue discussing, “What is joy after all?” and ends with epilogue discussing the joy of giving and contributing back to society. It is only after creating joy in our own lives that we can spread the joy around.
The book is designed to be a holistic guide to living joyfully. It is not only a life manual in some ways but also intends to create a paradigm shift in our attitudes. Some of these intended shifts include:-
• Money is not the only source of joy
• Personal Growth can be a source of joy
• Primary reason for meditation should not be to reduce stress but to add joy
• Pampering oneself need not be accompanied by guilt
The book also includes major barriers to joy such as office politics and emotional baggage. One must learn to handle these barriers with the right attitude else they can sap all our energy. The book would greatly appeal and benefit all those who are keen to discover the Seven Joys of Successful Living, especially young and middle aged Professional and Post Graduates, aspiring to reach the heights of middle and upper class achievement.
Nagpal’s poem, “No Fear, No doubt” in the epilogue really touches the soul. The book simplifies the complex concepts of spirituality and makes personal growth and meditation appear joyful to the reader. The 18 contributions from 6 countries across 4 continents add to the spice and flavor.
The 7 Joys of Life published by ‘The Publisher’, is targeted for people who may have lost their vision for the future, and who thirst for joy and a sense of fulfillment.
The book is all set to be released at Lecture Room 1, India International Centre (Annexe) on 6th August at 6 PM by the well known statesman, thinker and philosopher Dr Karan Singh.
Sourced From: Mediacom PR
Recession and economic turmoil across the world is forcing us to reflect whether we are giving too much importance to money and material as our primary sources of joy. 7 colours make a rainbow, 7 chords make music, 7 days make a week, and 7 continents make a world. 7 has something special about it. Call it Lucky 7 or Spiritual 7.
With a Foreword by the well known author and President of Ramana Maharishi Foundation UK, Alan Jacobs, Nagpal’s likeable, easy-to-read, contagiously encouraging book draws on 7 major joys of life viz. knowing yourself, connecting with self, discovering deepest passion, taking decisions with wisdom, relating with people, rejuvenating self and pampering ourselves. The book starts with a prologue discussing, “What is joy after all?” and ends with epilogue discussing the joy of giving and contributing back to society. It is only after creating joy in our own lives that we can spread the joy around.
The book is designed to be a holistic guide to living joyfully. It is not only a life manual in some ways but also intends to create a paradigm shift in our attitudes. Some of these intended shifts include:-
• Money is not the only source of joy
• Personal Growth can be a source of joy
• Primary reason for meditation should not be to reduce stress but to add joy
• Pampering oneself need not be accompanied by guilt
The book also includes major barriers to joy such as office politics and emotional baggage. One must learn to handle these barriers with the right attitude else they can sap all our energy. The book would greatly appeal and benefit all those who are keen to discover the Seven Joys of Successful Living, especially young and middle aged Professional and Post Graduates, aspiring to reach the heights of middle and upper class achievement.
Nagpal’s poem, “No Fear, No doubt” in the epilogue really touches the soul. The book simplifies the complex concepts of spirituality and makes personal growth and meditation appear joyful to the reader. The 18 contributions from 6 countries across 4 continents add to the spice and flavor.
The 7 Joys of Life published by ‘The Publisher’, is targeted for people who may have lost their vision for the future, and who thirst for joy and a sense of fulfillment.
The book is all set to be released at Lecture Room 1, India International Centre (Annexe) on 6th August at 6 PM by the well known statesman, thinker and philosopher Dr Karan Singh.
Sourced From: Mediacom PR