Aircel, one of India’s leading telecom players, today announced a unique bundled offer to usher college students of Bengaluru into the new academic year. The bundled product offering will be made available in over 50 colleges through a special campus activation sponsership called ‘Notezine’
Plan Voucher (PV)77 is an attractive bundled plan offered with a range of innovative products & services to meet the requirement of the young “to stay connected”. This exclusive plan designed to benefit the student offers:
· 100,000 Local Aircel to Aircel Seconds (validity period of 30 days)
· Rs.120 talktime (Rs.20 per month for 6 months)
· 1p per 2sec Local and STD (validity period of 90 days)
· 97 SMS Local and STD free per day (First 3 SMS charged at 50 paise per message)
· Good morning Bengaluru - Free 3G Data from morning 6am to 9am for 30 days
Aircel has positioned itself as a data led telecom player, and has continuously strived to address the data needs of the young Indian consumers, therefore the introduction of this unique plan further reiterates their commitment towards the youth of the country
Mr. K. Kadhiravan, Circle Business Head, Karnataka, Aircel Limited said, “Aircel has a strong focus on todays students requirements. Pioneering the data space , with more students using 3G enabled devices on the move for music, videos, TV shows, gaming, sharing photos and more, it is very important to create suitable and advanced products for them. Products like Plan voucher 77 , Good morning Bengaluru , PocketInetrnet 24 are benefits where students can enjoy staying connected with their friends and an opportunity to try our 3G data services. We hope to give something “Extra” to the students with this unique offering.”
Aircel in its endeavour to give a “little Extra , introduced this special bundled plan through a unique and engaging campus activity of distributing the Notezine to students for free. Notezine is a combination of a magazine and a notebook developed to engage college youth with knowledge and information; contributed by a network of 2500 students across various colleges .
About Aircel Limited
Aircel is one of India’s leading telecom operators. It won 3G spectrum in 13 circles and BWA spectrum in 8 circles and has successfully launched 3G services which is the fastest 3G roll out ever in the Indian Telecom Space. Aircel has been constantly innovating products and services and is credited with making 3G affordable to masses by launching Pocket Internet Smart which offers best value 3G packs. Aircel Pocket Internet Smart gave a boost to 3G adoption in the country as it is a true value for money product that allows consumers to access unlimited 3G data at extremely affordable prices. Aircel has positioned itself as a data led telecom player and has addressed the multi-functionality of a mobile phone in many innovative ways which are Industry firsts, be it the Aircel Pocket Internet, Pocket Internet Games and Facebook Voice Updates on Aircel. Aircel is also a preferred telecom network to launch Apple iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. For more information, please log on to
Plan Voucher (PV)77 is an attractive bundled plan offered with a range of innovative products & services to meet the requirement of the young “to stay connected”. This exclusive plan designed to benefit the student offers:
· 100,000 Local Aircel to Aircel Seconds (validity period of 30 days)
· Rs.120 talktime (Rs.20 per month for 6 months)
· 1p per 2sec Local and STD (validity period of 90 days)
· 97 SMS Local and STD free per day (First 3 SMS charged at 50 paise per message)
· Good morning Bengaluru - Free 3G Data from morning 6am to 9am for 30 days
Aircel has positioned itself as a data led telecom player, and has continuously strived to address the data needs of the young Indian consumers, therefore the introduction of this unique plan further reiterates their commitment towards the youth of the country
Mr. K. Kadhiravan, Circle Business Head, Karnataka, Aircel Limited said, “Aircel has a strong focus on todays students requirements. Pioneering the data space , with more students using 3G enabled devices on the move for music, videos, TV shows, gaming, sharing photos and more, it is very important to create suitable and advanced products for them. Products like Plan voucher 77 , Good morning Bengaluru , PocketInetrnet 24 are benefits where students can enjoy staying connected with their friends and an opportunity to try our 3G data services. We hope to give something “Extra” to the students with this unique offering.”
Aircel in its endeavour to give a “little Extra , introduced this special bundled plan through a unique and engaging campus activity of distributing the Notezine to students for free. Notezine is a combination of a magazine and a notebook developed to engage college youth with knowledge and information; contributed by a network of 2500 students across various colleges .
About Aircel Limited
Aircel is one of India’s leading telecom operators. It won 3G spectrum in 13 circles and BWA spectrum in 8 circles and has successfully launched 3G services which is the fastest 3G roll out ever in the Indian Telecom Space. Aircel has been constantly innovating products and services and is credited with making 3G affordable to masses by launching Pocket Internet Smart which offers best value 3G packs. Aircel Pocket Internet Smart gave a boost to 3G adoption in the country as it is a true value for money product that allows consumers to access unlimited 3G data at extremely affordable prices. Aircel has positioned itself as a data led telecom player and has addressed the multi-functionality of a mobile phone in many innovative ways which are Industry firsts, be it the Aircel Pocket Internet, Pocket Internet Games and Facebook Voice Updates on Aircel. Aircel is also a preferred telecom network to launch Apple iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. For more information, please log on to