Sunday, August 17, 2014

Controversial household survey triggers panic in #Hyderabad,Telangana

The Hyderabad high court has permitted the Telangana government to go ahead with the controversial household survey on the assurance of the state's advocate general that the exercise was not mandatory and denizens could choose not to answer the queries of enumerators.
Residents of Hyderabad who originally came from Andhra areas are scared. The fear that this is to profile them and use the information against them at a later stage.

The out of state workers from Telangana fear that if they fail to stand up and counted in the survey they will cease to be 'citizens' of Telangana and will lose their property and other rights in the state.
According to Telengana Govt. the Survey is for weeding out bogus beneficiaries but people from Andhra origin feels that the Survey akin to racial profiling and therefore illegal.