D V Sadananda Gowda, Union Minister for Railways inaugurated the new building of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) in Bangalore today. The 20,686 sq.ft building was built at the cost of Rs.16 crore. The Bangalore Chapter has about 11,500 students who are currently pursuing the Company Secretaryship course. Gowda wished that the building becomes a landmark building for learning and corporate governance in not only in Bangalore but also in the entire country. He assured full support from the Government for the Institute, whenever required. He urged the Company Secretaries to be the ‘legal and moral compass’ of not only corporates but also the Society and Nation as a whole. MN Venkatachaliah, Former Chief Justice of India was the Guest of Honour at the inauguration function. Former CJI spoke about the challenges before Company Secretaries due the passage of the new Companies Act, 2013 in parliament last year.