Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dr. Matts Brannstrom the doctor who delivered first baby after womb transplant coming to #Bangalore

Dr. Matts Brannstrom who delivered the world's first baby after uterine transplantation will be in Bangalore to attend LIFE Conference from Oct 31-Nov 02, 2014.The three day conference is being organised by International Institute of Training and Research in Reproductive Health (IIRRH) at Hotel Le Meridien hotel in Bangalore.T his is the 4th edition of the conference.

Leading national and international experts in the fields of infertility, fetal medicine and law will be sharing their knowledge and expertise in the three day long conference. Members of the Karnataka Medical Council, National and State OBG societies, the Pediatric, Neonatology forums, Ultrasound and Anesthesia, along with representatives of the Bar Association will be participating in the Medico Legal Workshop to discuss controversial medico legal issues with an emphasis on high risk situations, to provide clinicians an insight into the risks of indictment and legal culpability. Uterine Transplantation, Fetal Surgery, Tele Fetal Monitoring and Non-invasive Prenatal Diagnosis are some of the cutting edge topics that are likely to be discussed during the conference.