One of the super hit movies of the year Bheema Thiradalli will be telecast in Zee Kannada on 27th, Saturday at 5.30 P.M. Based on the real life incidents on the bank of Bheema river surroundings the Kannada film by director N Om Prakash Rao with Vijay, Lokanath, Praneetha, Prajwal Poovaiah in the main cast 'Bhema Thiradalli' Karnataka Minister M Renukacharaya is played an important role in the film 'Bheema Theeradalli'.
'Bheema Thiradalli Hantakaru' is captivatingly penned by Ravi Belegere in Hai Bangalore and later it was published as a book. Director Omprakash Rao has named the film 'Bheema Thiradalli' and 'Hantakaru' meaning killers he is dropping because he has drawn his own conclusion on the killers of the river bank. Based on the life of Chandappa Harijana the gang leader Director have collected
Meeting people, police and shooting in video various facts are in this film and film team adding only 40 percent reality to this film and making a cinematic presentation,
The real localities have been marked by director Rao and shoot with cameraman cum producer Anaji Nagaraj.
Anaji Nagaraj was producer of this film with Rudresh and the story, screenplay of Rao very interesting.
With a director like Om Prakash Rao an actor can learn and act. Vijay who is playing the role of Chandappa a real life tough guy says there is a heat for the film from the beginning.
'Bheema Thiradalli Hantakaru' is captivatingly penned by Ravi Belegere in Hai Bangalore and later it was published as a book. Director Omprakash Rao has named the film 'Bheema Thiradalli' and 'Hantakaru' meaning killers he is dropping because he has drawn his own conclusion on the killers of the river bank. Based on the life of Chandappa Harijana the gang leader Director have collected
Meeting people, police and shooting in video various facts are in this film and film team adding only 40 percent reality to this film and making a cinematic presentation,
The real localities have been marked by director Rao and shoot with cameraman cum producer Anaji Nagaraj.
Anaji Nagaraj was producer of this film with Rudresh and the story, screenplay of Rao very interesting.
With a director like Om Prakash Rao an actor can learn and act. Vijay who is playing the role of Chandappa a real life tough guy says there is a heat for the film from the beginning.