Thursday, November 14, 2013

14 Nov, 50th anniversary of first hydrogen Gas filled passenger balloon launch in India

14 Nov, 50th anniversary of first hydrogen Gas filled passenger balloon launch in India
This Children’s day will mark the 50th anniversary of the first Hydrogen gas filled passenger balloon’s flight, in India. Piloted by two German’s the balloon also carried the very first Indian student Anil Kumar who was then 14 years old. The balloon was launched by Sri S Nijalingappa, the then Chief Minister of Karnataka (1963) and took off from the Racecourse Grounds in Bangalore, where thousands of children gathered to watch this maiden flight.

The balloon was brought from the Pestalozzi Children’s Village in Germany, located in Wahlwies, near Lake Constance in Germany. Two trained and licensed pilots were required for the flight. Of the two who accompanied the balloon, one was Hermann Johannes Scheer, the then Director of Pestalozzi Kinderdorf  and the other was Mr. Alfred Schulz from ERGEE in Sonthofen. As both of them were German nationals and being the First Flight of a balloon in India, they felt that it will be more appropriate to carry at least one Indian and decided to choose an Indian child to fly along with them on the occasion of children's day.   Anil Kumar was chosen to fly with them.

As this was the first time ever that people were flying in a balloon from Indian soil. It was termed the FIRST BALLOON FLIGHT IN INDIA, and made front page news in all the leading Indian News Papers. I have attached the clippings and photographs for your perusal.

On this occasion the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department felt it absolutely fitting an occasion, to bring out a First Day Cover. The then Post Master General of India, Mr. Ramchandani handed over two mail bags containing the First Day Covers, to be carried as Balloon - Mail, to make it the FIRST BALLOON – MAIL in India. The Balloon landed about 20 miles away, flying at a height of 1800 ft,  for 100 minutes, in a village called Cholanayakana Halli, on Magadi Road,.

Of the two pilots who were part of this historic event, Mr. Hermann Johness Scheer, also the Director of the Pestalozzi Kinderdorf, is no more. He died in the year 1998. The only other pilot  Mr. Alfred Schulz now lives in Sonthofen im Algau.  The widowed wife of Mr. Scheer continues to live in Wahlwies. Due to advanced age of both these important individuals, they are unable to travel to India for celebrating this occasion of the Golden Jubilee. Because of this reason, the celebration is being planned to be organized in the Pestalozzi Kinderdorf, in Wahlwies, Germany.

On this occasion there is a ‘ INDO – GERMAN  GOLDEN  JUBILEE BALLOON  FLIGHT ‘ planned (Weather permitting !),   in the presence of both Mrs. Scheer and Mr. Alfred Schulz. This will be the flight to honor both the pilots. Anil Kumar and his wife will also be in attendance.

Anil Kumar is today the Chief Executive of Target, Complete Employment Solutions on MG Road and wishes to commemorate the anniversary by calling for interested parties to set up a licensed balloon club in Bangalore. The balloon club will be utilized largely to raise money for local philanthropy.