Tuesday, November 26, 2013

2014 WISE Awards Call for Applications Now Open

The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) has opened the Call for Applications for the 2014 WISE Awards. Launched in 2009, the WISE Awards highlight the most innovative initiatives in education from around the world and have over time constituted a network of forward-looking projects that serve as an inspiration for the education community. Winning projects demonstrate both real-world solutions to current educational challenges and offer effective replicable strategies.
Project holders are requested to submit their applications via the WISE Awards website:  www.wise-qatar.org/awards by January 15, 2014 (13:00 GMT).  Eligible applications will be reviewed by a Pre-Jury and 15 Finalists will be announced in April. A Jury composed of renowned education specialists will then select the six winning projects to be announced in September 2014.
The WISE Awards winning projects will each receive $ 20,000 (US) and benefit from global visibility via the WISE community that brings together more than 9,000 international experts and specialists from 152 countries. Projects are also showcased during the WISE Summit, where they hold a place of honor throughout the three-day event.
Applications must demonstrate how a project has successfully impacted education within a community or society. Previous winners have come from a wide range of sectors and regions. For example, iThra Youth Initiative from Saudi Arabia, a winning project in 2013, provides hands-on access to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to the country’s growing youth population and the Bangladeshi-based Solar Power Floating Schools project that ensures children’s education in flood-prone areas by providing classrooms on fully equipped boats.
Submit your project for the 2014 WISE Awards today at www.wise-qatar.org/awards.
For further information about WISE and the WISE Awards, please go to www.wise-qatar.org or visit the WISE Awards blog: http://awardsblog.wise-qatar.org/.

About the WISE Awards:

Inaugurated in 2009, the WISE Awards identify, showcase and promote innovative educational projects from around the world. To date, over 2,000 applications have been received from 136 countries, resulting in 136 Finalists and 30 winning projects. The 30 successful projects have come from a variety of countries around the world, including Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ghana, India, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, South Africa, Turkey, the UK and the USA. These “real world” initiatives are progressively building a pool of sound practice which is having a local or global impact on education.