Sunday, November 24, 2013

Arvind Kejriwal's letter on The Real Story behind the sting

Dear Friends,

In the last few days, we have seen multiple, coordinated attempts to drag AAP into controversies. Those who insulated & betrayed Anna during the Janlokpal Andolan, are now accusing us of cheating him. Allegations of foreign funding were made by parties who themselves sit on thousands of crores of undisclosed funds. And a sting operation was conducted by some journalists who developed cold feet when the full, raw footage of the video was requested.

Do you see a pattern?

Millions of AAP supporters across the globe sent in messages of solidarity & stood behind AAP, rock solid in their support. This was a proud moment for us, where we realized we are not alone in this. The people are with us. It is their faith & confidence in us that lead us to confront our detractors head on. Within a few days, all questions raised by the Home Ministry on funding were responded. Anna's concerns were addressed and I called him a couple of days ago and assured him that we are open to any audits he would like his team to conduct. And today, we exposed the details of this so called sting where "only parts of the video" was shown on TV. We have made the full video public. The Election Commission has said that it has NOT found any AAP leader doing anything illegal in the raw, unedited footage.

The foundation of AAP is on truth & integrity. Those ideals have not been violated. I have stated unambiguously that any one found guilty will be punished. These are the standards that #AAP has set for itself. We urge those who are finding ways to discredit us to first set their house in order. Its time that they provided some answers for a change.

My Friends, I want to sincerely thank you for your continued support & unflinching faith. You are what makes & drives AAP. There will be more attempts to malign us, to sow the seeds of doubt. But always remember, eventually, truth will always prevail. With your participation, we have run an unprecedented campaign, the results of which are being seen in every Jansabha and the daily Yatra that I am undertaking. A few more days of that passionate energy is required. Together, we shall make history.


PS: Support #AAP and ensure that this kind of dirty politics is defeated.

Note: See detailed analysis and videos related to the candidates named in the "sting" The Real Story behind the sting "