Friday, November 15, 2013

Karnataka Postal Department and Novo Nordisk's campaign on Diabetes

Karnataka Postal Department and Novo Nordisk's Diabetes campaign reaches out to over one lakh people across the state
Diabetes continues to remain as one of the biggest healthcare challenges for India with the number of people affected by it, soaring with each passing day. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), nearly 65.1 million people have diabetes, and the number of people with this condition is expected to rise to 109.0 by 2035.  In addition, unlike in the past, diabetes today is affecting more people in rural India (34 million) than in affluent urban India (28 million).

In fact, as it stands at 10.3 per cent, Karnataka has the third highest prevalence of diabetes according to the health ministry’s latest report. In a recent study conducted by Dr Rao it shows that overall prevalence of type 2 diabetes in coastal Karnataka is 16 percent. Self-reported diabetes was 11.2%, while 4.8% of previously normal people were found to have high fasting capillary blood glucose levels.

The need of the hour is a mass movement at the national and state level with participation from all its key stakeholders and partners including government bodies. In line with the objective of creating mass awareness and reaching out to maximum number of people in the State, Novo Nordisk India has partnered with Karnataka’s Postal Department to commemorate this year’s World Diabetes Day.

Coinciding with its theme, “millions of steps to change diabetes”, Novo Nordisk India along with the postal department to create awareness amongst the public distributed one lakh booklets containing information about the treatment and management of diabetes to individuals through the network of post offices across Karnataka on World Diabetes Day. The informative booklet published in the regional language was well packed with information and illustrations on how to manage diabetes effectively and aimed at addressing the requirements of both those affected as well as their family members.

This record feat was achieved through the 9800 odd network post offices of the Karnataka postal department, where postmen and women from each post office delivered the booklet at the recipient’s doorstep.

Addressing the gathering, Hon’ble Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka, U.T Khader said, “Good health of its citizens is critical for a State to prosper and therefore it is imperative that we all unite in this cause to make Karnataka a healthy State. I am glad to be a part of this awareness event organized jointly by Novo Nordisk and Karnataka’s postal department. We need such large scale initiatives to create awareness and to educate people about diabetes and its management in the state.”

“The recent diabetes trend in India reflects the shifting demographics of the disease nationwide. Just as the rich-poor divide for diabetes has vanished, so is the urban-rural divide fast disappearing. The Novo Nordisk Education Foundation (NNEF) through its multiple national and state level programmes has long been at the forefront for creating mass awareness amongst people in the urban and rural areas in India,” said Melvin D’souza, Managing Director, Novo Nordisk India.

“We are happy to partner with the Postal department which incidentally is one of the largest networks of postal offices in the world. The sheer number has helped us take the message on diabetes awareness to the most remote corners of the state.” Melvin added.

As part of this unique partnership, posters on diabetes awareness have been put up in all 9800 post offices across the state in English and Kannada to further create awareness amongst people. In addition, a diabetes management video has also been developed, and is being beamed across 70 nodal post offices in Karnataka.

To mark the occasion U. T. Khader, Hon’ble Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka also unveiled a ‘Special Cover’ and ‘My Stamp’ emphasizing on diabetes prevention, detection and management.

Talking about the campaign, Ms. Arundhaty Ghosh, Postmaster General, South Karnataka Region said, “The sheer size and scale of this entire campaign with the focused objective was to create awareness and educate people about prevention, detection and control of diabetes. We are extremely happy to have contributed in creating this mass awareness amongst people. There could not have been a better platform than the postal department in sending out the message related to diabetes.”

In addition to this, over 2000 people were screened for diabetes at the event that included postal department staff and the public at large. A unique ‘Diabetes Village’ was also created to educate people about the condition, its implications and treatment. People in large numbers visited the village and underwent a comprehensive diabetes programme.

“Access to appropriate medication, quality of care and proper medical advice is critical to leading a healthy and active life and to reduce the risk of developing complications in Diabetes. I would also advice people to go in for regular check-ups and to take necessary precautions to prevent diabetes,” said Dr A Muruganathan – President, Association of Physicians of India.

“Early detection of complications is an essential part of good diabetes care. This includes regular foot and eye checks, controlling blood pressure and blood glucose, and assessing risks for cardiovascular and kidney disease,” said Dr KM Prasanna Kumar.

The burden of diabetes is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, as seen in the global incidence and projections of diabetes epidemic worldwide. The IDF( International Diabetes Federation) projects a 51% increase in the prevalence of diabetes worldwide (2011 = 366 million, 2030 = 552 million) predominantly driven by Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Close to four million deaths in the 20-79 age group may be attributable to diabetes in 2010, accounting for 6.8% of global all-cause mortality in this age group. The recently published ICMR-INDIAB national study reported that there are 62.4 million people with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and 77 million people with pre-diabetes in India. These numbers are projected to increase to 101 million by the year 2030.(3)

About Novo Nordisk
Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with 88 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The company also has leading positions within hemophilia care, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 31,400 employees in 74 countries, and markets its products in 179 countries. Novo Nordisk is synonymous with Diabetic Care in India. Novo Nordisk has introduced products and services hitherto not seen in the area of diabetes care in the country.