Saturday, November 9, 2013

National Portal on Maulana Azad to be Launched

National Portal on Maulana Azad to be Launched
To commemorate the125th birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, independent India’s first Education Minister a national portal is to be launced on 11th November 2013. Shri K. Rahman Khan (Union Minister of Minority Affairs) wil launch the portal in presence of Dr. Sam Pitroda (Advisor to Prime Minister), Dr. Syeda Hameed (Biographer of Maulana Azad) and Shri Wajahat Habibullah (Chairperson, National Commission for Minorities).

Muhiyuddin Ahmed, popularly known as Maulana Abul KalamAzad, (11 November 1888 – 22 February 1958) was a scholar and senior leader of the Indian Independence Movement. He was one of the tallest national leaders of his time in the cause of Hindu Muslim unity as well as secularism and socialism. His contribution to laying the foundation of education in Independent India is recognised by celebrating his birthday as "National Education Day" across India.

The portal is a collaborative effort by the Union Ministry of Minority Affairs, the Office of Advisor to the Prime Minister, the National Commission for Minorities, the Ministry of Culture). The portal will be a one stop point to collate all knowledge and resources available on Maulana Azad, easily accessible for people to know, learn and grow from the inspiration that he continues to be.

This portal is an initiative by the Government of India to digitize the heritage of great leaders and make their life and times available online. A similar portal on Mahatma Gandhi was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in September 2013, and one on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is currently in the offing.