Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ramesh Aravind Joins Hands With Bell Maadi (Bell Bajao) To Say No To Domestic Violence

Ramesh Aravind Joins Hands With Bell Maadi (Bell Bajao) To Say No To Domestic Violence
Kannada Actor and Director Ramesh Aravind has endorsed Breakthrough’s Bell Bajao campaign against domestic violence. Breakthrough’s Bell Bajao campaign, known locally as Bell Maadi is entering its sixth successful year in Karnataka.

Enumerating on the reasons for why he is endorsing the Bell Maadi campaign, Ramesh Aravind said, "Providing daily needs like food and shelter does not make one a Man. Put yourself in the shoes of your partner for a day, and see the world from her viewpoint. We all work hard, but drinking or harassing family members is no solution. To be a real man, stop domestic violence at your own home first, and go further, Ring the Bell in your neighbourhood."

The video van of Breakthrough’s award winning campaign ‘Bell Bajao” reached Bangalore today. The Van will travel through the various parts of Karnataka to create awareness about domestic violence. The video van was flagged off from Bengaluru in a function that was supported by Karnataka’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Did You Know?
In the five years of community-level engagement in Karnataka, Bell Maadi video vans have traversed villages in seven districts of Karnataka.
Breakthrough has trained 150 master trainers in Karnataka as part of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, which is the Government of India’s flagship programme for universal education.
Breakthrough curriculum on gender, sexuality and rights has been incorporated in all 27 districts of the state and has reached around 50,000 adolescent girls.

Breakthrough’s Video Van will educate masses about Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence (PWDVA) Act 2005, which came into force from Oct 26, 2006 and has since been adopted by 28 states across India. The 360 degree multimedia campaign that has been the hallmark of Bell Bajao campaign will continue to encourage youth, especially men and boys, to take bold action for dignity, equality, and justice. The Video Van features include puppet shows, public opinion, interactive games and IEC material to name a few.

Speaking about the campaign, Breakthrough’s Country Director and Vice President, Ms. Sonali Khan said, “The Bell Bajao campaign inspires communities, particularly men and youth to act against domestic violence. Through our partnerships with government agencies like the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the entertainment industry, the United Nations and community based groups, Breakthrough has touched the lives of 130 million people across the country through public service announcements, 75000 youth through capacity building program and 7.5 million through community mobilization activity. We want the people of Bangalore to connect with this campaign. Whenever they witness any violence against woman, they should Ring the bell.

Research conducted by Breakthrough illustrates that 1 in 3 women have been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused. Besides, 1 in 7 girls in developing nations is married before age 15 and thus more likely to experience violence in the home. 60 million girls, seen as less worthy than boys, are "missing" due to sex-selective elimination or poor care.

Breakthrough has been actively campaigning against domestic violence in several regions of  Karnataka over the past five years like Dakshin Kannada, Mandya and Gulbarga. Our campaigns have resulted in the setting up of Naari Adalats through local partnerships in Tumkur and Udupi districts of South Karnataka. Several activities like the  daylong “HAKKINA MELA” – Mahila Hakkigagi Namma Dani (SONG OF RIGHTS - our voice for women’s rights) – and other grassroots initiatives have been widely received by rural and semi-urban communities. Breakthrough kicked off 2013 with a bloggers meet in Bangalore to reach out the masses through online platform. Our blog, BellBajao.org acts as a platform for individuals to share their views, stories and even poetry and encourages user-generated content.

“Breakthrough has been working extensively in Karnataka through the community, training women on gender, rights and sexuality. Our initiative today is a step ahead in spreading our message to the interiors of Karnataka and to advocate for more effective implementation of PWDVA and also to form a more effective link between the community, the Government and various service providers.” says Vani Periodi, Breakthrough’s State Manager, Karnataka.

Breakthrough’s partners in Bangalore include Prerna Foundation, Samvada, Sadhana, Lioness Club of Bangalore – Anjandri, Vimochana, Acharya Pathshala Polytechinc, BMST, Society for People’s Action for Development (SPAD), Vidyaranya Education and Development Society, Ramana Dwani Community Radio, and Rural Development Organization among others.

About Breakthrough
Breakthrough, a global, human rights institution, works in association with media, pop culture, and community mobilization to inspire people to take bold action and help build a world in which all people live up to their full potential. Various culture and community and leveraging the power and solidarity work for the respect, equality and justice for the people. Operating from centers in India and the U.S, it works on issues like violence against women, sexuality and HIV AIDS, critical global issues such as immigrant rights and racial justice works.

For more information about Breakthrough’s human rights programs visit  www.breakthrough.tv