After due consideration, the Government had revised the Dealer’s Commission on Diesel from Rs.912/- per KL to Rs.1089/- per KL on 26th October, 2012.
2. Since, revision in Dealer’s Commission on Diesel is being done on an annual basis, Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) were requested by the Ministry to rework the quantum of Dealer’s Commission on Diesel (as due) keeping in mind escalations that may have occurred in the meantime. The industry worked out the same and submitted its recommendations to the Ministry. As the Model Code of Conduct was in force on account of the election process for constituting new Legislative Assemblies in some of the States/UT, there is a slight delay in the revision of the Dealer’s Commission on Diesel.
3. However, after due consideration of the matter, the Government has now decided to revise the Dealer’s Commission on Diesel from Rs.1089/- per KL to Rs.1186/- per KL for the entire country with immediate effect.
2. Since, revision in Dealer’s Commission on Diesel is being done on an annual basis, Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) were requested by the Ministry to rework the quantum of Dealer’s Commission on Diesel (as due) keeping in mind escalations that may have occurred in the meantime. The industry worked out the same and submitted its recommendations to the Ministry. As the Model Code of Conduct was in force on account of the election process for constituting new Legislative Assemblies in some of the States/UT, there is a slight delay in the revision of the Dealer’s Commission on Diesel.
3. However, after due consideration of the matter, the Government has now decided to revise the Dealer’s Commission on Diesel from Rs.1089/- per KL to Rs.1186/- per KL for the entire country with immediate effect.