Thursday, April 24, 2014

FICCI multi sector innovation delegation to visit Iran

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), Centre for Innovation, Science & Technology Commercialization in partnership with Islamic Republic of Iran to India is organizing a multi sector innovation delegation to Tehran between 23-25 May 2014.

The objective is to showcase best Indian Technologies/Innovations at INOTEX 2014 and find potential Iranian partner for Technology Transfer, Trade Partner & Joint Technological Projects.

INOTEX 2014 is the 3rd International Innovation and Technology Exhibition which is expected to be witnessed by more than 120 pioneer companies from more than 10 countries, along with 30 forerunner Iranian companies. 150 exhibitors are going to present their latest innovative and technological achievements in the below mentioned fields:

Information & Communication Technology
Oil, Gas and Petrochemical industries
Industrial Automation and intelligent systems
Renewable Energy
Medical Equipment (Accessories)
Geometry and new materials