Hindi comedy-drama movie ‘Revolver Rani, starring Kangana Ranaut debuts in 840 UFO digital theatres today. ‘Kaanchi’ and ‘Samrat & Co.’ also debut today in 688 and 319 UFO digital theatres. ‘2 States’ in its second week screens in 388 UFO digital theatres. Besides this, Hindi horror comedy film ‘Bhoothnath Returns’ starring Amitabh Bachchan, in its third week, screens in 164 UFO digital theatres.
Telugu film ‘Race Gurram’, in its third week, screens in 212 UFO digital theaters while and another Telugu film ‘Legend’, in its fifth week, continues to screen in 122 UFO digital theaters. Another Telugu film called ‘Prathinidhi’ debuts in 84 UFO digital theatres today.
Punjabi film ‘Jatt James Bond’ debuts today in 78 UFO digital theatres today. Tamil film ‘Tenaliraman’
Screens in 68 UFO digital theatres in its second week. Kannada film ‘Veera Pulikeshi’ debuts in 63 UFO digital theatres today.
Telugu film ‘Race Gurram’, in its third week, screens in 212 UFO digital theaters while and another Telugu film ‘Legend’, in its fifth week, continues to screen in 122 UFO digital theaters. Another Telugu film called ‘Prathinidhi’ debuts in 84 UFO digital theatres today.
Punjabi film ‘Jatt James Bond’ debuts today in 78 UFO digital theatres today. Tamil film ‘Tenaliraman’
Screens in 68 UFO digital theatres in its second week. Kannada film ‘Veera Pulikeshi’ debuts in 63 UFO digital theatres today.