Speaking on the occasion, “Tiger” T.G Ramesh, CEO CSS Corp. said, “We are pleased to be named as a challenger in the Gartner CM BPO competitive landscape 2014 report. I am truly excited because I feel this recognition is a re-enforcement of our market standing as a premier tech support company, globally. We are in aggressive pursuit of a robust growth strategy, backed by multichannel customer management, technology innovation and an IP based global delivery model.”
The report also stated that, “several midsize and large CM BPO providers are rapidly expanding their services portfolio and geographical reach, either expanding existing offshore, near shore and onshore (including WAH) facilities, or investing in new delivery locations and sales capacity in these new locations.” It evaluates top 10 Customer Management (CM) BPO service providers based on their revenue, and sees many of the small and midsize providers as serious competitors to the top 10 CM BPO service providers, especially with regard to “competitive bids and innovative service offerings.” It also re-iterates the fact that, “most of these service providers have significant technology and global delivery assets, industry knowledge and process skills.”