On basis of SMS inputs Bangalore Central Crime Branch (CCB) police raided Shivapalace Lodge, which was running a brothel and rescued 15 women and arrested 14 customers and 6 Pimps.
Several massage parlours in the city of Bengaluru are offering erotic massage or a massage with sex. These virtual brothels regularly advertise in the media.Full service' refers to a massage involving sex, and 'half' to a massage by a nude masseur.
Police generally book these parlours under the Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act for sexual exploitation and trafficking of women.
On SMS input, CCB raided Shivapalace Lodge being run as a brothel & rescued 15 ladies, arrested 14 customers+6 Pimps pic.twitter.com/yn8P9cyZ7P
— Abhishek Goyal (@goyal_abhei) December 5, 2014
Several massage parlours in the city of Bengaluru are offering erotic massage or a massage with sex. These virtual brothels regularly advertise in the media.Full service' refers to a massage involving sex, and 'half' to a massage by a nude masseur.
Police generally book these parlours under the Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act for sexual exploitation and trafficking of women.