Online eyewear retailer Lenskart has raised about Rs 200 crore funding from PremjiInvest, the investment office of Azim Premji, Chairman and Founder of the Wipro Group. Peyush Bansal, CEO and Founder, Lenskart said, “We are thrilled and humbled with the confidence shown by Premji Invest in Lenskart. With this collaboration, the company will be able to draw on PremjiInvest’s extensive experience, particularly in retail and creating long lasting brands to realize its potential and develop best practices.” We intend to grow strategically thereby strengthening our presence via both online and offline channels.
Its early venture capital investor IDG Ventures has made a partial exit.The funding came three months after IFC’s Rs.400 crore investment in Lenskart.
Azim Premji has invested about Rs 200 cr. in Lenskart— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) September 6, 2016
Its early venture capital investor IDG Ventures has made a partial exit.The funding came three months after IFC’s Rs.400 crore investment in Lenskart.