The city round of Maruti Suzuki ‘Colors of Youth 2012, a prestigious event that provides platform for professional college students to showcase their way of life and passion, will take place at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Time 11: 00 am Onwards . Over 1000 students from 100 colleges across Karnataka are expected to participate from which two finalists will represent the city in the South Zone finals. The Chennai round was held earlier in October and will travel to Bangalore after Hyderabad leg.
The eminent panel of judges include renowned bollywood actress and model Eesha Koppikar. Subir Malik, a keyboard player par excellence and the driving force behind youth rock band Parikrama is the other judge. Students will contest in six categories namely Music, Dance, Painting, Photography, Innovation and Others. All students will then participate in a written quiz competition towards end of daylong event.
Colors of Youth 2012 talent hunt contest is taking in 10 cities across India – Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad for south zone, Delhi/ NCR, Lucknow and Chandigarh in the north, Kolkata and Indore for East while west zone comprises Mumbai and Pune rounds. The finalists from all four zones will then compete in national finals in Delhi. The eventual national winner will drive home a Maruti Suzuki A Star, a car that gives a new definition to the new generation.
Colors of Youth 2011 edition saw over 2500 participation from across India and auditions by almost 950 students. Participation were received from around 375 engineering and management colleges which includes IMT, BVIMR, Amity, IBS, Great Lakes, SIIB, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kolkata, IIM Indore, Pailan College, Jadhavpur University, Manipal University, Christ College and SP Jain among others.
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