Aircel, one of India's leading telecom players, today, organized Aircel – ‘The Power of Inspiration’ lecture series in Tanjore aimed to stimulate the young minds towards idealism and community participation. The lecture series, organized in partnership with Tehelka, one of India’s foremost news magazine was held at Sastra University, Thanjavur. The guest speakers included Sangeet Natak Akademi awardee actor, director, writer, educator and activist Maya Krishna Rao and renowned conservationist and filmmaker Shekar Dattatri, who addressed the students of the university. A book titled Aircel - ‘The Power of Inspiration’, comprising 25 inspiring stories of people who have brought a positive change in the society, was also launched on the occasion. The lecture series is planned across 25 weeks targeting educational institutions in 25 cities of the country.
Aircel – The Power of inspiration, which has already been organized in cities like Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Bhubaneswar and Guwahati, is designed to motivate the young brigade of India to identify, evaluate and obtain understanding of the Indian political & moral framework and by motivating & initiating thought provoking dialogues to help them in taking charge of their society and their country. The series is conceptualized & executed on a strong belief that change is sparked when we listen, learn, question, think, interpret, share and act. Eminent speakers representing various industries address the youth and initiate discussion on live subjects which impact their intellectual & social lives.
Addressing the students at the university, Maya Krishna Rao through a theatrical representation of ‘The Walk’, encouraged women to be independent and fearless; Shekhar Dattatri spoke on ‘Why Nature Matters’. Both of them encouraged the students to be positive and work towards what they believe in.
Mr. Sheik Uduman, Circle Distribution Head, Aircel, ROTN said, “With the country grappling with so many socio economic issues, the future of the nation depends on the youth who are required to come forward and take the responsibility of bringing about a positive change. We believe that it is important for us to engage the youth in a constructive manner in order to equip them to be effective and efficient individuals as they no more are self-centered instead are constantly striving to make a difference to society at large. Through Aircel ‘The Power of Inspiration’ we hope to inspire and empower the youth of this country to take up this grim challenge.”
“We are extremely happy to collaborate with Tehelka in this unique and meaningful initiative. The initiative further reiterates Aircel’s commitment towards building a nation of character & strength. We are confident that this series of motivational forums will bring about a positive change in the culture of the country”, he further added.
Aircel believes in empowering and inspiring the youth in the true sense and is launching new products and taking new initiatives targeting youth in India. Aircel’s focus on data driven services and the company’s introduction of the concept of Pocket Internet revolutionized data usage and mobilised young India to take the next step towards going online. Aircel took the first step in making 3G affordable for the masses. The company has recently launched various products like 3G Dongle value pack, Pocket Buddies – which offers unlimited surfing and texting, Aircel Pocket Internet Games - an innovative gaming card allows Aircel subscribers to download and play unlimited games along with unlimited internet access. As a committed telecom and data company Aircel constantly thrives to introduce innovative and superior products at a value for money prices.
About Aircel
Aircel is one of India’s leading pan India operators. It won 3G spectrum in 13 circles and BWA spectrum in 8 circles and has successfully launched 3G services which is the fastest 3G roll out ever in the Indian Telecom Space. Aircel has been constantly innovating products and services and is credited with making 3G affordable to masses by launching Pocket Internet Smart which offers best value 3G packs. Aircel Pocket Internet Smart gave a boost to 3G adoption in the country as it is a true value for money product that allows consumers to access unlimited 3G data at extremely affordable prices. Aircel has positioned itself as a data led telecom player and has addressed the multi-functionality of a mobile phone in many innovative ways which are Industry firsts, be it the Aircel Pocket Internet, Pocket Internet Games and Facebook Voice Updates on Aircel. Aircel is also a preferred telecom network to launch Apple iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. Recently, the company has become the proud recipient of coveted awards such as Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) 2012 South Asia by Enterprise Asia, ‘Excellence Award for Security in Telecom 2012’ by Data Security Council of India (DSCI) an institution setup by NASSCOM® and ‘Best in class Learning and Development Awards’ for ‘Innovation in Learning’ and ‘Best Training Venue’ by World HRD Congress 2013. For more information, please log on to
Aircel – The Power of inspiration, which has already been organized in cities like Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Bhubaneswar and Guwahati, is designed to motivate the young brigade of India to identify, evaluate and obtain understanding of the Indian political & moral framework and by motivating & initiating thought provoking dialogues to help them in taking charge of their society and their country. The series is conceptualized & executed on a strong belief that change is sparked when we listen, learn, question, think, interpret, share and act. Eminent speakers representing various industries address the youth and initiate discussion on live subjects which impact their intellectual & social lives.
Addressing the students at the university, Maya Krishna Rao through a theatrical representation of ‘The Walk’, encouraged women to be independent and fearless; Shekhar Dattatri spoke on ‘Why Nature Matters’. Both of them encouraged the students to be positive and work towards what they believe in.
Mr. Sheik Uduman, Circle Distribution Head, Aircel, ROTN said, “With the country grappling with so many socio economic issues, the future of the nation depends on the youth who are required to come forward and take the responsibility of bringing about a positive change. We believe that it is important for us to engage the youth in a constructive manner in order to equip them to be effective and efficient individuals as they no more are self-centered instead are constantly striving to make a difference to society at large. Through Aircel ‘The Power of Inspiration’ we hope to inspire and empower the youth of this country to take up this grim challenge.”
“We are extremely happy to collaborate with Tehelka in this unique and meaningful initiative. The initiative further reiterates Aircel’s commitment towards building a nation of character & strength. We are confident that this series of motivational forums will bring about a positive change in the culture of the country”, he further added.
Aircel believes in empowering and inspiring the youth in the true sense and is launching new products and taking new initiatives targeting youth in India. Aircel’s focus on data driven services and the company’s introduction of the concept of Pocket Internet revolutionized data usage and mobilised young India to take the next step towards going online. Aircel took the first step in making 3G affordable for the masses. The company has recently launched various products like 3G Dongle value pack, Pocket Buddies – which offers unlimited surfing and texting, Aircel Pocket Internet Games - an innovative gaming card allows Aircel subscribers to download and play unlimited games along with unlimited internet access. As a committed telecom and data company Aircel constantly thrives to introduce innovative and superior products at a value for money prices.
About Aircel
Aircel is one of India’s leading pan India operators. It won 3G spectrum in 13 circles and BWA spectrum in 8 circles and has successfully launched 3G services which is the fastest 3G roll out ever in the Indian Telecom Space. Aircel has been constantly innovating products and services and is credited with making 3G affordable to masses by launching Pocket Internet Smart which offers best value 3G packs. Aircel Pocket Internet Smart gave a boost to 3G adoption in the country as it is a true value for money product that allows consumers to access unlimited 3G data at extremely affordable prices. Aircel has positioned itself as a data led telecom player and has addressed the multi-functionality of a mobile phone in many innovative ways which are Industry firsts, be it the Aircel Pocket Internet, Pocket Internet Games and Facebook Voice Updates on Aircel. Aircel is also a preferred telecom network to launch Apple iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. Recently, the company has become the proud recipient of coveted awards such as Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) 2012 South Asia by Enterprise Asia, ‘Excellence Award for Security in Telecom 2012’ by Data Security Council of India (DSCI) an institution setup by NASSCOM® and ‘Best in class Learning and Development Awards’ for ‘Innovation in Learning’ and ‘Best Training Venue’ by World HRD Congress 2013. For more information, please log on to