Monday, November 25, 2013

2nd Edition of ROBOKID - A National Level Competition for 6th to 10th standard students

JAY ROBOTIX Pvt. Ltd., pioneers in multidimensional robotics, has announced ROBOKID 2014, a national level completion across more than 250 schools. The theme for ROBOKID 2014 is ‘Our Planet- Our Future’, which aims to increase awareness amongst the student community about environment conservation.

JAY ROBOTIX has announced the call for registrations for the competition wherein students from 6th to 10th standard can register through their respective schools or individually on the website. Post registrations the students will be entitled to a 4 hour online training module free of cost on robot programming and logical skills building; which will be conducted by JAY ROBOTIX. The training module will enable the participants to learn operating a robot using the RoboGuru Software. Registered students will also get a licensed version of RoboGuru™ software exclusively developed by JAY ROBOTIX. School students from all across the country can participate in the competition.

This year marks the 2nd edition of ROBOKID™ which is an annual competition organized by JAY ROBOTIX to enable students learn the concepts of mathematics, science and engineering in a practical environment. More than 250 + schools from all over the country will be participating in this competition, to be held in 2014 in Hyderabad.

Mr. Sudhir Reddy, Managing Director JAY ROBOTIX PVT. LTD. said, “We have received tremendous response with the ROBOKID 2013. This year we have enhanced the level of the competition and also made it national. ROBOKID 2014 which is one of its kind awareness building competition - aims to give exposure to school students to a relatively new yet interesting field of Robotics. ROBOKID 2014 will be more intense and exciting and students will have a great learning experience through this competition. Moreover the theme of ‘Our Planet-Our Future’ aims at creating awareness about environment conservation which is a topic students can easily relate to.”

ROBOKID 2014 will enable students to learn about a new subject outside their curriculum and also enhance their general approach to learn science and mathematics concepts in their schools. Moreover it will also bring in a practical approach to learning as they will be able to test their knowledge through the training on a live robot and will get to witness live demonstrations.

ROBOKID 2014 will witness the competition in 3 levels. Students can register online individually or in teams of 1 to 4 ( by providing their school name and other details with a registration fee of Rs 900/- per student. Students can also avail nomination forms from their schools and submit it to JAY ROBOTIX.  The first edition of ROBOKID™ - ROBOKID 2013 had more than 900 students participating in the competition, out of which 120 students crossed all the levels and participate in finals of RoboKid 2013.


JAY ROBOTIX PVT LTD  is one of India’s leading Robotics companies and pioneers in multi-dimensional robotics. Providing services to diverse sectors such as education, industry, consumer, defense and entertainment, JAY ROBOIX is a company dedicated to collaborate and make innovation and advanced technology affordable. Being the first ones to develop various enhancements in the field, JAY ROBOTIX promises quality with precision in all their product offerings. From Robotic arm, software to building Humanoid robots JAY ROBOTIX is redefining the robotics industry with their innovative products and solutions. For more details please refer to