Friday, November 1, 2013

3rd National Paralympic Wheelchair Tennis Championship-2013 to be held in Bangalore

3rd National Paralympic Wheelchair Tennis Championship-2013 in to be held Bangalore
Karnataka Wheelchair Tennis Association (KWTA) is organizing 3rd National Paralympic Wheelchair Tennis Championship-2013 from 8th to 11th November at KSLTA, Bangalore. This event is organized in association with the Paralympic Committee of India (PCI)) & Paralympic Wheelchair Tennis Federation of India (PWTFI) a National body to promote sports among differently abled people in India.  We are expecting about 80 players from 15 states for this event. This includes players holding National & International ranking.
The main objective of this event is to promote sports among differently abled people and create a platform to showcase the abilities of differently abled. The Four (4) days of event is bound to attract India’s top players who would eventually move on to play in the international tournaments. This event also provides platform for upcoming players to improve their ability from experienced players. We believe that this event would also inspire many more young differently abled people to take up Tennis as a hobby and hopefully a champion in the coming days.
This Championship is supported by Government of Karnataka, DYSS, Karnataka State Lawn Tennis Association (KSLTA) & Karnataka Sports Association for Physically Challenged. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to KSLTA for providing the venue and all the technical support for this Championship.
This initiative by KWTA is still at a fledgling state.  We request your esteemed media to support this event by providing extensive coverage and encourage this event and players. Your support will go a long way in empowering differently abled through sports.

               Program for Nationals:

Arrival of the players              : 08th November 2013 & Report at 2PM
Date of Competition              : 9th & 10th November 2013

Departure of the Team          : 11th November 2013

Speaking on the occasion, President of KWTA Mr. B.A. Naniappa said “It is a proud moment for us at KWTA to host this event for the first time. We have made a humble beginning by getting about 30 wheelchair players who practice at KSLTA during weekends and now by hosting this event. We hope to grow with help of Government of Karnataka and sponsors to in future have more youngsters taking up this sport. Our aim is to provide opportunity and produce players who could make an entry to ITF circuit and make India proud in Asian Games and Olympics.”

About Karnataka Wheelchair Tennis Association:
Karnataka Wheelchair Tennis Association (KWTA) established in 2012 is a state Body for the Physically Challenged Tennis players in Karnataka. We are affiliated to Paralympic Wheelchair Tennis federation of India, who are the apex body for Paralympics sports in our country and is recognized by Government of India and International Paralympic committee. Wheelchair Tennis is one form of Paralympic Sport where the Wheelchair Tennis the ball is allowed to bounce twice - the first bounce must be within the bounds of the court and size of courts, balls, and rackets remain same as Regular Lawn Tennis. However, the players here use specially designed wheelchair to move around the court.
The unique initiative aims at assisting the wheelchair Tennis players across the country to rediscover the game within them and encourage them to build up the spirit of game. This also provides a platform for these players to improve their game and bring laurels to the country at State, National and International Levels. Currently KWTA is coaching to about 30 differently abled people in Wheelchair Tennis. Coaching camps conducted every weekend at KSLTA, Cubbon Park. We are also networking with other sports association across Karnataka to provide coaching and create awareness about the sport.