Friday, November 8, 2013

Arvind kejriwal's statement on his meeting with Taqeer Raza Khan

Arvind kejriwal's statement on his meeting with Taqeer Raza Khan
The Convenor of Aam Aadmi Party Arvind Kejriwal has issued a statement on the recent controversy arising out of his meeting with Taqeer Raza Khan in Bareilly in which he said that “I went to Dargah at Bareilly to offer a “Chaddar” and there I met with Taqeer Raza Khan. So far, I have visited many Temples, Gurudwaras, several Churches and many Mosques. Just a few days ago I met with Shankaracharya of Puri and also met with Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji . I went to Bareilly to offer “Chaddar” and to pray that our country can get rid of corruption. Taqeer Raza Sahib is one of the “Ameer” of Dargah and is widely respected in Bareilly. I appealed to him that we have to come together to save our country at this hour as our country is passing through a sensitive phase and testing times.”

Aam aadmi party does not believe in any kind of violence and is desirous of propagating a politics to unite all the people rather than a politics of provoking confrontation between Hindus and Muslims. For the first time in this country a party has risen above the politics of hatred to lay the foundation of constructive politics. Aam Aadmi Party has been at the forefront of this initiative.  Many nervous parties like congress and BJP are trying to create a new controversy about this meeting to divert the attention of people from corruption. It is being said that AAP is playing a “Communal Card”. This allegation is baseless and wrong. We are going to Temples, to Mosques and meeting all the people. To those people who are doing politics of venom, our reply is politics of love and affection. Had we been meeting with people belonging to only one religion then this charge would have been correct, but  we are meeting with people belonging to all religions and faith. We are meeting with Religious leaders, Social leaders and we are trying to bring together all kind of people , because this country belongs to 120 Crore people. We are approaching all these people to send a message across that violence is not the solution of the problems being faced by the country.

Arvind kejriwal has clearly said that he was completely unaware about the allegations on Taqeer Raza. Today, we again talked to Taqeer Raza about this issue and he clarified that such allegations are completely false. For example-It is being said that he had issued a “Fatwa”, but according to him, he cannot issue a fatwa because he is not a Mufti. A fatwa can be issued by a Mufti. He insisted that he has never issued any fatwa till date.

The second thing, we do not believe in violence in any form , we are here to change the politics of violence, we are not here to do the politics of violence. Taqeer Raza ji is also of this opinion that he too does not believe in politics of violence.

The third thing is Aam Aadmi Party is not entering in to an alliance with Taqeer Raza`s party. The leaders of AAP are meeting with many Social–Religious leaders, it does not mean that we are doing an alliance with them. The objective of these meetings is to convey a message to them and to their associates that instead of politics of violence and divisiveness, an atmosphere of politics of mutual co-operation and trust can be created.

We are approaching all the people that if politics of violence is practiced in this country then these political parties will gain mileage out of it , they will use us as vote bank , and will try to flare up communal passions between Hindus and Muslims. One party wants to make Hindus as their vote bank and the other wants to make Muslims as their vote bank. We want to bring all the people together and due to this all these parties are perturbed. For the first time we have been successful in bringing people together. Congress has used Muslims as its vote bank and BJP has used Hindus and Sikhs as their vote bank. Neither Congress has done anything for Muslims nor has the BJP done anything for Hindus or Sikhs. For the first time a party has come which is bringing people together on the plank of corruption and it is getting fair success in its effort.