Forum Mall, Koramangala hosted the dazzling Karishma Kapoor at a Health & Glow event today. The health and beauty store in association with Ponds Gold Radiance held a contest last month and 10 lucky winners were chosen to meet the radiant Karishma Kapoor who is the brand ambassador of Ponds Gold Radiance.
The ten contestants not only got a chance to meet the Bollywood diva Karishma Kapoor but also to interact with her. The winners were thrilled to speak to the star; many asked the beautiful diva for tips on how to look gorgeous.
Forum mall was buzzing with eager fans waiting to meet the captivating Karishma Kapoor and were not let down by the Bollywood queen who thanked them for their love and support.
The ten contestants not only got a chance to meet the Bollywood diva Karishma Kapoor but also to interact with her. The winners were thrilled to speak to the star; many asked the beautiful diva for tips on how to look gorgeous.
Forum mall was buzzing with eager fans waiting to meet the captivating Karishma Kapoor and were not let down by the Bollywood queen who thanked them for their love and support.