Wednesday, September 4, 2024

#US Ambassador to #India reaffirms #USA 's support for #Tibetan Values at #Tibet Festival’s Cultural Show in #Delhi

U.S. Ambassador to India reaffirms USA's support for Tibetan Values at Tibet Festival’s Cultural Show in Delhi

Addressing a gathering at the ongoing Tibet Festival, “Spirit of Tibet: Celebrating Culture and Compassion”, the U.S. Ambassador to New Delhi, Eric Garcetti emphasised the strong support of the United States for Tibetans. Highlighting that this support extends beyond cultural appreciation to a recognition of the core values embodied by Tibetan culture, such as peace, compassion, and cultural preservation. The Ambassador affirmed the commitment to defying efforts to erase Tibetan culture, language, and traditions, standing united to ensure their survival. He said, “We stand together to say that no culture, no insight, no language, and no education can be eliminated as long as we hold each other arm in arm. The United States is a part of that”, affirming the United States’ commitment to defying efforts to erase Tibetan identity.
U.S. Ambassador to India reaffirms USA's support for Tibetan Values at Tibet Festival’s Cultural Show in Delhi

Additionally, the Ambassador praised the leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, describing it as a beacon of dedication and a source of inspiration globally. His address also acknowledged the global spread of the Tibetan community and the challenge of maintaining unity, framing it not as a dispersion but as the scattering of seeds that continue to blossom worldwide. He added that the U.S. remains steadfastly supportive, working alongside Indian friends and partners to uphold and nurture Tibetan heritage and said, “This festival is a testament to that solidarity”.

Prior to his address, Sikyong Penpa Tsering, on behalf of the Central Tibetan Administration, expressed his pleasure in organising the Spirit of Tibet exhibition in collaboration with USAID, the Tibet Fund, and the Foundation for Nonviolent Alternatives (FNVA).

Sikyong also outlined that the Tibetan diaspora is spread across 37 locations in India, including ten states and two Union Territories, in his talk and highlighted the ongoing defacement of Tibetan culture, language, religion, and environment inside Tibet. However, Sikyong noted that, under the visionary leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, these elements have been preserved in India.

Sikyong Penpa Tsering further expressed deep gratitude to the Indian government and people for their support, acknowledging that the Tibetan community in India represents the only democracy in exile.
U.S. Ambassador to India reaffirms USA's support for Tibetan Values at Tibet Festival’s Cultural Show in Delhi

The cultural show was also attended by Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang, Representative Jigme Jungney of the Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New Delhi, and other prominent guests alongside His Excellency Eric Garcetti and Sikyong Penpa Tsering.

It is to be noted that China is running a systematic campaign of repression that seeks to forcibly "Sinicize" the six million Tibetans in the country and eliminate Tibetan religious, cultural and linguistic heritage. Tibetan language, culture and religion is facing unprecedented threat of eradication from Chinese policies of oppression.

US President Joe Biden had recently signed new a bill that urges China to resume talks with the Dalai Lama or his representatives to arrive at a “negotiated agreement on Tibet.” 
“I share the Congress’s bipartisan commitment to advancing the human rights of Tibetans and supporting efforts to preserve their distinct linguistic, cultural and religious heritage,” Biden said in a July 12 statement.