Thursday, November 14, 2013

RealtoExpress introduces advance CRM Solutions to help real estate consultants to effectively manage their business leads

Every Sales Lead is an opportunity which must be nurtured and tracked rightly to convert it into revenue. In Real Estate the value attached with each lead makes it even more important for tracking. The star performer in an organization may be able to manage the show perfectly manually using his dairies etc. but what about the whole organization. Indian Realtor historically had been a people centric organization where all activities were managed by few key people. But with changing time, growth in the market and expected regulation the whole Real Estate Consultancy industry is experiencing and expecting consolidation.

To excel in such scenario one must possess the right tools and business process to make sure that the complete sales team is properly guided and performs as per the organization wide sales planning. The Lead Management system had become one of the basic requirements of Modern Realtors.
The Lead Manager Module of RealtoExpress CRM software along with other modules offers a perfect system to the Indian realtors to manage and track and manage their leads. The whole organization will act in sync as per the set business processes so that each lead gets the same professional treatment which will reduce cases of lead lost. RealtoExpress market research team had captured all possible lead management scenarios for Indian market which had helped to make the product exactly match the requirements of the market.

For a realtor it all starts with Lead Generation where unqualified lead information is collated from multiple sources, eg advertisement, trade shows, marketing campaign, Incoming IVR calls, Referrals and Walk In. These information is then categorized in Buyer and seller, their requirement are captured and categorized into separate module of RealtoExpress CRM. 
The leads are then assigned to specific executives based on certain rules and the activities performed on them can be tracked in real time. The various filters and parameter in the system helps the managers and top management to the status of each lead. Follow up logs helps to judge the lead with a more experienced lens thus increasing the chances of closure.
RealtoExpress CRM helps a Realtor to capture leads from multiple sources directly into the CRM eg IVR, Web to Lead form etc. thus making it more systematic, traceable and secure. Now with such tools and processes a Realtor can now be sure off that all its lead are treated professionally and none of them are lost because of any human error.