'Private Label' products have entered the market on the field of generic on all India level through the medium of a limited company All Indian Origin Chemists and Distributors (AIOCD Ltd.). Private Label products will show new direction to pharma sector as well as chemist brethren’s own company's products will also be liked by the customers. Such an assurance was given by the chairman of AIOCD Ltd. Jagannath Shinde.
Taking into consideration the expected increase in demand of pharmaceuticals from the society and in view of the standard of the government to give importance to generic medicines, pharmaceutical dealers from all over the country had asked the AIOCD Ltd. company to bring 'Private Label' products in the market on the field of generic products. In continuance of the same, the All Indian Origin Chemists & Distributors company has initiated its ambitious steps. In the first stage the company starts distribution in 15 states with 100 products. The product range will be increased gradually as per the demand of pharmaceutical dealers.
A demonstration of these products was started at Hotel Fortune in Navi Mumbai on 15th July, 2010. On this occassion, office bearers of AIOCD and MSCDA association and many big names from pharma sector, also knowledgeable people of generic products were present. The spokesman of the company expressed his opinion that compared with other products the attractive packing, quality, rate of the product's of AIOCD Ltd. are qualitative.
'AIO' range through 'Java' division :
To achieve expected objective standards of the members of AIOCD Limited company, as also to make all-round development of the members, a separate platform has been created. This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the company, Jagannath Shinde. He added further that just as 'JAVA' language prominent in the field of computer, helps all the persons to achieve several results simultaniously at the same time, AIOCD Limited company has on the same ground focused its attention on the matter that all members have focused their attention towards increasing their business after concentrating on many goals at the same time. Jagannath Shinde further said that this is why the company has introduced generic products of 'Private Label' through the name 'JAVA'.
'Private Label' products are to be distributed through the medium of Maharashtra Safe Chemist & Distributor Alliance Limited (MSCDA LTD) in Maharashtra. Vaijanath Jagushte, Managing Director of MSCDA company stated that these products are to be delivered from the bottom shopkeeper to the retailers in all the districts of Maharashtra. The pharmaceutical dealers of the company in the state have vowed to give prominence to the products of the company to make a brand of Private Label. Shri Jagushte said that the specialists and advisers of the company are engaged in the study to prepare the products of the company for the last six months. Company's pharmaceutical prove qualitative in every respect is the objective kept in mind. He also expressed the ambition to bring good pharmaceuticals for the customers at proper rate