Snap Fitness, Kalyana Nagar to celebrate their 1st year anniversary on the 18th & 19th of December with fun filled activities related to fitness & amazing offers on all memberships
The weekend will have loads of fun especially with some attractions like the Bungee run on inflatable’s, tug of war and boxing with inflatable boxing gloves which do not hurt! The games are all being organized on inflatable’s keeping in mind the safety measures. These games can have participants from any age group. Apart from these games, people can win gifts by just spinning the wheel and win gym accessories for free. They also have a few stall games to make it fun along with caricature & tattoo artists showing their talent throughout the day.
According to Dr. Shweta, Club Manager, “When we opened Snap Fitness one year back, we were the only international gym in the neighborhood. The kind of response from the residents coupled with the service levels offered in our gym made us the best gym in the neighborhood. The idea behind having these events is to thank our existing members for their support and also to create awareness about fitness to the outside public. We are hoping to create a fun filled event for the people to relish”. Also, all the participants get free access to newsletters about fitness & work-outs, free Diet consultation and In body Analysis.
The gym has certified Trainers & Dieticians along with facilities like showers, lockers & a 4000 sq.ft. Dedicated parking lot. “We were the first gym in the whole of India to have used one of the best quality of equipment available in the market – Matrix G7 series. Our aim is to create a truly world-class atmosphere for our customers, but still make it affordable. All our members go through a 3-Day orientation program where they are educated about the usage of the equipment & exercises for a complete body workout”, says Syed, Fitness Manager.
As part of their 1st Anniversary celebrations, they are offering their Annual Membership at Rs. 11111 + taxes. They also have offers on all other short-term packages.
Snap fitness, Kalyan Nagar invites one and all to walk-in to the gym to see the facilities & hopes to create an amazing experience for their customers and people who come for the celebrations.