Monday, April 25, 2011

Prof. C. N. R. Rao would like to see drastic changes and major policy initiatives in the Higher Education Sector in India

Prof. C. N. R. Rao is the Chairman of Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister. He is the National Research Professor and Linus Pauling Research Professor as well as the Honorary President at The Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research [JNCASR]. He authored over 1400 research papers and 41 books. He is a distinguished visiting professor of the University of California and Cambridge University.

Prof. Rao would like to see drastic changes and major policy initiatives in the Higher Education Sector in India. Prof. Rao flagged 10 points that require our immediate attention. He was awarded the EDGE Education Personality of the Year for 2011 and during his Vision Talk at the Conference, the foremost platform for the stakeholders in Higher Education sector in India. He said that, in 20 years there will be a terrific surge of young people aspiring for quality higher education. To gratify this need, measures are to be taken today.

1. Quality – No institution exist in India that can be comparable to

the best in the world. The Government could choose some of the promising

institutions in India and develop them into institutions which are to be

considered as the best in the world.

2. Research – India is publishing research papers in decent numbers,

however the contribution of India to top-class research papers is negligible

It is essential to nurture the atmosphere of research in education system,

as both research and quality education goes hand in hand.

3. Examinations – Importance is given to entrance examinations of

prestigious institutions rather than actual education. The examination

system in India should concentrate more on encouraging the interest of

students in actual education rather than entrance exams.

4. Rural India – There is tremendous potential in rural areas of India

and talent from this sector have to be nurtured.

5. Bureaucracy – Relieve education from bureaucracy. The limitations

and controls of bureaucracy must be lifted and true freedom needs to be

given to the institutions for them to flourish as knowledge centres.

6. Teachers – Teaching profession should be respected as well as

rewarding as this will encourage the best of the minds to become teachers.

7. Collaboration – Connectivity and collaboration with global

institutions should have no barriers.

8. Creativity – Creativity in young minds have to be encouraged. Future

of India depends on innovation and creativity.

9. Manpower Planning – We have to take the responsibility of directing

millions of children who will contribute to the future of India. We have to

give them proper directions as all of them should not end up going for

Engineering, Medical, IT etc. They should be doing different things as per

their interest.

10. Hurry, Slowly – We are lagging behind on many aspects in education. So

we must hurry to do things, but slowly so that we do not commit big mistakes

We must take the steps now for extraordinary men and women to come out of

our education system 20 years later, who will also contribute to global

science and knowledge.

The video of the speech can be found at the link below
