Navratna Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has declared 60 per cent Interim Dividend (Rs.6/- per share) to its shareholders for 2012-13. Mr Anil Kumar, Chairman and Managing Director, BEL, presented the Interim Dividend cheque, payable to the Government, for Rs.36,41,37,600/= (Rupees Thirty six crore forty one lakh thirty seven thousand six hundred only) to the Defence Minister, Mr A K Antony, at New Delhi on Wednesday (February 27, 2013).
This is the ninth consecutive year that BEL is paying Interim Dividend. The Company paid 208% Dividend in 2011-12 (100% Interim Dividend in February, 2012, and 108% Final Dividend in October, 2012).
This is the ninth consecutive year that BEL is paying Interim Dividend. The Company paid 208% Dividend in 2011-12 (100% Interim Dividend in February, 2012, and 108% Final Dividend in October, 2012).