Thursday, September 5, 2013

CREDAI Andhra Pradesh elects new Office Bearers

CREDAI Andhra Pradesh elects new Office Bearers
CREDAI Andhra Pradesh today announced its new office bearers, as part of the real estate body’s initiatives to foster better transparency and growth in the industry. The new office bearers of CREDAI Andhra Pradesh will consist of Mr. S Ram Reddy, (C.M.D, M/s SMR Holdings) as President, Mr. A Siva Reddy, MD (M/s Maheswari Builders & Promoters, Vijayawada)as Vice President,  Mr. G Ram Reddy (CMD, M/s Ark Infra Developers Pvt. Ltd) as the Hon. General Secretary, and Mr. S. Venkataramaiah, MD (M/s Sri Vasavi Builders and Developers, Kurnool) as Treasurer, CREDAI Andhra Pradesh and Mr.K.Subbaraju, MD (M/s KSR Developers, Visakhapatnam) as Chairman Advisory Committee.

Mr C. Shekar Reddy, President CREDAI, National said, “We welcome the new leadership of CREDAI Andhra Pradesh. We have debated on the road map for CREDAI - AP and will be focusing on building the customer confidence in the real estate sector. The new team comprises of industry leaders in Andhra Pradesh and I am confident that they will help us to achieve ethical and transparent operations and create positive environment for growth of required real estate activities and I wish them great success in their tenure and expecting to follow the road maps follows:

Building permission online to reduce the time of permission.
Bulk material purchase to reduce the cost of construction
Skill up gradation
To market members build-up space
CSR Activities.

Mr. S Ram Reddy President, CREDAI Andhra Pradesh, said , “Our aim is to create a synergistic approach and build confidence in the real estate industry.  In the next two years we are planning to undertake major initiatives through industry networking to promote Andhra Pradesh as an ideal investment destination for the future”

While thanking all the Chapters for electing him as the President, “Apart from the above the new team will take forward all the initiatives taken by the CREDAI National President to deliver the quality product at cost effective within the scheduled time to create affordable housing for people of Andhra Pradesh.

Mr. G Ram Reddy , Hon. General Secretary , CREDAI – AP added “ We have discussed the road map for the next 2 years for CREDAI - AP and will be focusing on development of the new property hubs in the state along with a focused effort on skill development and tracking the trends and stock for real estate in the state” also improve the brand value of CREDAI by expanding CREDAI across ANDHRA PRADESH.

CREDAI Andhra Pradesh will also take up measures that will help builders deliver projects on time. The consumer redressal cells will help address customer grievances and improve governance.    The body will also create forums to encourage dialogue between developers from all over the state including consultants, vendors, and financial institutions to come at a common platform and explore business opportunity. CREDAI AP will focus on building a better & congenial relationships to promote the growth of real estate sector in Andhra Pradesh through property shows, skill development programs and CSR activities, also creating confidence among the people of Andhra Pradesh.


CREDAI is the apex body for Real Estate developers in India and CREDAI represents over 9000 developers through 134 chapters in 21 States, across the country. It also links private real estate developers to the Government and customers through numerous initiatives and activities. CREDAI’s success is in bringing a majority of organized real estate developers under a single umbrella; which holds great promise for rapid development of the realty sector touted to be a major driver of India’s economic growth. Staying true to CREDAI’s ‘model code of conduct’, the member associations have been successful in imbibing and delivering the philosophy of transparency and accountability in the realty sphere. Generating a tremendous credibility and trust factor, it has been perceived as a welcome change for serious real estate developers and real estate buyers alike. In a short span, CREDAI has also developed a tremendous reputation for successfully acting as a mediator cell to mitigate disputes between buyers and developers. So much so that today, property buyers in most metros and Tier-2 cities conduct a preliminary check to see if the developer is an accredited CREDAI member prior to investing in a project.