Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL) under the Ministry of Mines is a premier Exploration Company having all facilities for mineral exploration under one roof. Presently, it is carrying out the detailed exploration of Coal, Lignite, Gold, Copper, Iron Ore, CBM, etc. The Chairman cum Managing Director of MECL, Dr. Gopal Dhawan gave a dividend Cheque of Rs. 4.13 Crores for the Financial Year 2012-13 to the Minister of Mines, Shri Dinsha Patel here today.
Present on the occasion were Shri R. H. Khwaja, Secretary (Mines), Shri R. Sridharan, Additional Secretary (Mines), Shri D. S. Mishra, Joint Secretary(Mines), Shri R. N. Jha, Director (Technical), MECL and Shri S. M. Maruvada, Director (Finance), MECL and other senior officers of the Ministry.
Present on the occasion were Shri R. H. Khwaja, Secretary (Mines), Shri R. Sridharan, Additional Secretary (Mines), Shri D. S. Mishra, Joint Secretary(Mines), Shri R. N. Jha, Director (Technical), MECL and Shri S. M. Maruvada, Director (Finance), MECL and other senior officers of the Ministry.