Wednesday, December 11, 2013

ADR files complaint to CIC against INC, BJP, CPI, CPI(M), NCP and BSP

ADR files complaint to CIC against INC, BJP, CPI, CPI(M), NCP and BSP
Association for Democratic Reforms today filed a complaint to the Central Information Commission (CIC) against six national political parties, INC, BJP, CPI, CPI(M), NCP and BSP, appealing to the Commission to take action against the six parties for not appointing Public Information Officers, as directed by the CIC in it decision CIC/SM/C/2011/001386 & 000838 dated June 03, 2013.bring these national parties under the ambit of Right to Information Act in view of greater transparency and accountability.

Central Information Commission in its full-bench verdict dated 03-06-2013 had held that six national political parties INC, BJP, CPI, CPI(M), NCP and BSP were public authorities under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The Commission further directed the six political parties to appoint Public Information Officers (PIOs/CPIOs) within six weeks of the order, to respond to existing RTI queries within the next four weeks. The six parties have not complied with the CIC even after more than six months. By doing this political parties are defying the decision of a statutory authority. The CIC had given its decision of June 03, 2013, after several hearings of similar complaints filed by the Association for Democratic Reforms and the well-known RTI activist, Shri. Subhash Chandra Agarwal. Shri. Subhash Agarwal had filed a complaint for non-compliance on 29.08.2013, after 12 weeks of the CIC decision. He also filed another complaint on 09.09.2013.

Consequently, as a result, Association for Democratic Reforms along with another petitioner Shri Subhash Chandra Agarwal have filed a complaint against non-compliance with the Central Information Commission requesting them to take necessary action as required under law. This behavior is akin to contempt of court. Such nonconformity by these national parties can be precarious to our democracy and interest of the public at large.