Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has fielded Phiroze Palkhivala, son of eminent jurist, the late Nani Palkhivala, from the Mumbai North-Central seat to take on two-time Congress MP Priya Dutt.
His father Nani Palkhivala who declined the offers to be on the Supreme Court bench, took up a government assignment in 1977 as India’s ambassador to the United States of America.
An oft-overlooked aspect of life was his philanthropy. Perhaps it speaks eloquently of what kind of a human being Nani Palkhivala was. This selfless servant to ideas was also in the habit of making massive personal cheques out to various charities he took an interest in. Soli Sorabjee rightly invokes Cardinal Newman to describe the man, “Of Nani, it can be truly said that he walked with Kings yet lost not the common touch.”
His father Nani Palkhivala who declined the offers to be on the Supreme Court bench, took up a government assignment in 1977 as India’s ambassador to the United States of America.
An oft-overlooked aspect of life was his philanthropy. Perhaps it speaks eloquently of what kind of a human being Nani Palkhivala was. This selfless servant to ideas was also in the habit of making massive personal cheques out to various charities he took an interest in. Soli Sorabjee rightly invokes Cardinal Newman to describe the man, “Of Nani, it can be truly said that he walked with Kings yet lost not the common touch.”