Saturday, March 15, 2014

Students celebrate Holi at Canadian International School

Students celebrate Holi at Canadian International School
Holi, one of the most boisterous festivals of India, was celebrated with a splash of colour and an array of water guns by the students from 37 nationalities at Canadian International School (CIS). The event was a superb sharing of culture and fun. Children of Belakku (an Institution for mentally challenged children) received Pichkari (a toy water gun) & Holi colours as a gift from SCA (Student Community Association run by CIS parents & students). Cultural activities such as these help students assimilate and appreciate the richness and diversity of not just the local culture but also go a long way in enhancing the social and cultural fabric of CIS’s multi-cultural community.

"CIS Students enjoyed splashing eco-friendly colours on friends and family. It was a great experience for everyone as the festival of Holi signifies the coming together of different communities and the celebration of the spirit of universal brotherhood. Wish you all a Happy Holi!" said Vishwas Kulkarni - Hindi Teacher.

"We were eagerly awaiting for this day. It was indeed a fun-filled festival of colours which took place with a lot of joy and fervor." said IB students.

Holi celebration. What a fun festivity! - said Sandra Manrique, SCA Member.

Helen Booth, SCA Head said so much fun, as always!!
"A large section of CIS community gathered for Holi.  It was fun & colorful.  I enjoyed it" said Marc Christopher Bieri Elementary Teacher"
Truly the Festival of Colours brought along togetherness among the students themselves, juniors to seniors and that was something I enjoyed watching.  Thank You CIS community for organizing such a joyous occasion!  said a Parent.
“We at CIS are very happy to celebrate Holi with our students of diverse culture. We hope this festival of colors fills each & every student’s life with happiness. CIS celebrates various festivals of our culture and every care is taken to provide joyous and festive moods to various celebrations, says Ms Shweta Sastri, Executive Director, Canadian International School”.