Abhinav Bindra today announced the launch of the Abhinav Bindra Shooting Scholarship Programme. The Programme aims to develop shooting talent in India, by offering support to select junior Indian shooters. The young shooters will be chosen with an eye on the Rio Olympics 2016 and beyond.
Shooters selected for the Abhinav Bindra Shooting Scholarship Programme will receive monetary support and access to expertise, equipment support (in cases of financial need), and a week-long shooting workshop with Abhinav Bindra and his panel of experts.
Applications are now open for the Abhinav Bindra Shooting Scholarship Programme. The application form is available on the website www.gosportsfoundation.in.
Applicants will be screened by senior coaches and experts, and comprehensive selection trials will be conducted by a panel nominated by Abhinav Bindra.
Shooters of merit competing at the national and/or international level can apply on or before 23rd May, 2014. All applicants must be in the age group of 13-21 years. Interested candidates may also contact Shishir Belvi (Programme Co-ordinator), GoSports Foundation, Ph: +91 9986979667, Email: foundation@gosports.in.
The Abhinav Bindra Shooting Scholarship Programme is operated by the Abhinav Bindra Foundation and the GoSports Foundation. Abhinav Bindra and Rahul Dravid are on the GoSports Foundation's Board of Advisors.
Inviting applications from junior shooters across the country, Abhinav Bindra, said, "It is an exciting time for Indian shooting as we look forward to a number of major events. I look forward to giving back to the sport that has given me so much and eagerly await the opportunity to work with the new crop of shooters in helping them reach their full potential. I hope that this Shooting Scholarship Programme and the shooters supported through it will go from strength to strength."
The Abhinav Bindra Foundation, founded in 2009, has been working towards grassroots level development of sports in India and the promotion of the Olympic Spirit in the country. The Foundation encourages young boys and girls to participate in sports, which will instill the spirit of sportsmanship in them, teach them life lessons and break down social and cultural barriers.
The GoSports Foundation is a non-profit venture primarily focused on the development of India's best and most promising junior Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Through their scholarship programmes, GoSports Foundation has supported more than 50 high-performing junior athletes, helping them further their sporting careers.
Shooters selected for the Abhinav Bindra Shooting Scholarship Programme will receive monetary support and access to expertise, equipment support (in cases of financial need), and a week-long shooting workshop with Abhinav Bindra and his panel of experts.
Applications are now open for the Abhinav Bindra Shooting Scholarship Programme. The application form is available on the website www.gosportsfoundation.in.
Applicants will be screened by senior coaches and experts, and comprehensive selection trials will be conducted by a panel nominated by Abhinav Bindra.
Shooters of merit competing at the national and/or international level can apply on or before 23rd May, 2014. All applicants must be in the age group of 13-21 years. Interested candidates may also contact Shishir Belvi (Programme Co-ordinator), GoSports Foundation, Ph: +91 9986979667, Email: foundation@gosports.in.
The Abhinav Bindra Shooting Scholarship Programme is operated by the Abhinav Bindra Foundation and the GoSports Foundation. Abhinav Bindra and Rahul Dravid are on the GoSports Foundation's Board of Advisors.
Inviting applications from junior shooters across the country, Abhinav Bindra, said, "It is an exciting time for Indian shooting as we look forward to a number of major events. I look forward to giving back to the sport that has given me so much and eagerly await the opportunity to work with the new crop of shooters in helping them reach their full potential. I hope that this Shooting Scholarship Programme and the shooters supported through it will go from strength to strength."
The Abhinav Bindra Foundation, founded in 2009, has been working towards grassroots level development of sports in India and the promotion of the Olympic Spirit in the country. The Foundation encourages young boys and girls to participate in sports, which will instill the spirit of sportsmanship in them, teach them life lessons and break down social and cultural barriers.
The GoSports Foundation is a non-profit venture primarily focused on the development of India's best and most promising junior Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Through their scholarship programmes, GoSports Foundation has supported more than 50 high-performing junior athletes, helping them further their sporting careers.