Sayantani Ghosh, a popular television actress and a fabulous dancer, is one of the tough contenders for the upcoming Dance reality show Dare 2 Dance on Life OK. Sayantani who is in Cape Town for the show, performed belly dancing in her introduction act on one of the most popular numbers, ‘baby doll’ in a stunning Indian outfit.
Performing on a tabla the entire performance happened at a height 40 feet above the ground on a high rise platform. Dare 2 Dance is being shot in Cape Town, South Africa and the show is slated to go on air on 6th September on Life OK.
Belly dancing at a height 40 feet above the ground by Sayantani Ghosh for Life OK
— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) August 28, 2014
Performing on a tabla the entire performance happened at a height 40 feet above the ground on a high rise platform. Dare 2 Dance is being shot in Cape Town, South Africa and the show is slated to go on air on 6th September on Life OK.