Karnataka government is mulling a ban on private television cameras inside the Assembly when the House is in session."There is a proposal to start our own channel on the lines of Lok Sabha TV; once we have our channel obviously other private cameras won't be allowed," said Karnataka legislative Assembly Speaker Kagodu Thimmappa.
Information Minister Roshan Baig has already announced that the government intends to start its own channel to directly relay proceedings of the House on the lines of Lok Sabha TV.The move comes weeks after TV channels telecast video footage of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah apparently dozing off in the Assembly when it was debating the incidents of rape.During the previous BJP rule, two ministers were also caught on camera allegedly watching porn on their mobiles.
In a shocking move to choke media rights, Karnataka has banned Private TV Channel cameras inside the Assembly #StiflingDemocracy
— TIMES NOW (@timesnow) August 27, 2014
Information Minister Roshan Baig has already announced that the government intends to start its own channel to directly relay proceedings of the House on the lines of Lok Sabha TV.The move comes weeks after TV channels telecast video footage of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah apparently dozing off in the Assembly when it was debating the incidents of rape.During the previous BJP rule, two ministers were also caught on camera allegedly watching porn on their mobiles.
#Karnataka plans to ban Private TV Channel cameras inside the Assembly pic.twitter.com/ZsBP2fKIB6
— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) August 27, 2014