Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the Pradhan Mantri Jan DhanYojana at a National level function in New Delhi today. Besides the launch function at Delhi, simultaneous launch functions of the Yojana were also held in the Capital and other major centres of the State and at all district Headquarters.
The Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of State for Finance Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Shri Nripendra Misra, Cabinet Secretary Shri Ajit Seth, Governor, RBI Dr Raghuram Rajan and other senior dignitaries were present on the occasion.
The Prime Minister said that the target to cover 7.50 crore households with at least one account under the Yojana will be achieved by 26th January, 2015.
Elaborating the benefits under PMJDY, the Prime Minister said this was not a mere bank account, but had other benefits including an RuPay debit card, Rs 1 lakh accident insurance cover, and an additional Rs. 30,000/- life insurance cover for those opening bank accounts before January 26th, 2015. Speaking on the occasion, the Finance Minister said that efforts will be made to ensure that no household is left without a bank account.
A competition was also held earlier through the MyGov Platform for suggesting the name, logo and tagline for the Comprehensive Financial Inclusion Programme. More than 6000 entries were received.
#PM Narendra Modi launches Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) August 28, 2014
The Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of State for Finance Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Shri Nripendra Misra, Cabinet Secretary Shri Ajit Seth, Governor, RBI Dr Raghuram Rajan and other senior dignitaries were present on the occasion.
The Prime Minister said that the target to cover 7.50 crore households with at least one account under the Yojana will be achieved by 26th January, 2015.
The poor are going get renewed strength to fight poverty: PM on the launching of Jan Dhan Yojana
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 28, 2014
Elaborating the benefits under PMJDY, the Prime Minister said this was not a mere bank account, but had other benefits including an RuPay debit card, Rs 1 lakh accident insurance cover, and an additional Rs. 30,000/- life insurance cover for those opening bank accounts before January 26th, 2015. Speaking on the occasion, the Finance Minister said that efforts will be made to ensure that no household is left without a bank account.
A competition was also held earlier through the MyGov Platform for suggesting the name, logo and tagline for the Comprehensive Financial Inclusion Programme. More than 6000 entries were received.