Samsung Electronics today announced the launch of the NX mini, the world’s slimmest and lightest interchangeable-lens camera in India which will be available exclusively through as part of a strategic partnership. This launch also announces a key shift in the company’s go-to-market approach for the digital imaging category, which will increasingly move to the online channel in response to the consumers’ changing needs and buying behaviour.
"This shift in our strategy is created to meet the needs of our customers who are constantly looking for the best in technology. We understand the buying patterns of our consumers and are constantly strengthening our network to cater to their evolving needs. This offering through will enhance accessibility for the NX mini camera.” said Mr. Asim Warsi, Vice President, Mobile & IT, Samsung India.
The NX Mini is equipped with features such as the 3.0-inch Flip-up Display and wide angle lens, which makes it a perfect camera for selfies.”, added Mr. Warsi.
Samsung NX mini comes with a 16 GB memory card and is now available in India at a special launch price of Rs. 22,990 (9mm Lens) and Rs. 27,490 (9-27mm Lens) on
#Samsung launches new NX Mini Smart Camera on
— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) August 27, 2014
"This shift in our strategy is created to meet the needs of our customers who are constantly looking for the best in technology. We understand the buying patterns of our consumers and are constantly strengthening our network to cater to their evolving needs. This offering through will enhance accessibility for the NX mini camera.” said Mr. Asim Warsi, Vice President, Mobile & IT, Samsung India.
The NX Mini is equipped with features such as the 3.0-inch Flip-up Display and wide angle lens, which makes it a perfect camera for selfies.”, added Mr. Warsi.
Samsung NX mini comes with a 16 GB memory card and is now available in India at a special launch price of Rs. 22,990 (9mm Lens) and Rs. 27,490 (9-27mm Lens) on