As part of its 12th birthday celebrations @TwitterIndia launches #BloodMatters with @BloodDonorsIn in #Bangalore with the support of @MoHFW_INDIA and @JPNadda to boost blood donation drive in India.— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) March 20, 2018
People can request for blood donation simply with a Tweet to @BloodDonorsIN with their location hashtag, blood type, mobile contact and Twitter handle. People interested to help can follow @BloodDonorsIN and respond or retweet requests for help. Twitter will be supporting the implementation of an automated response solution to scale the operations of @BloodDonorsIN, currently run by a group of volunteers. Twitter will also amplify the real-time communication efforts of the handle with verification, promotion on Twitter, and use Twitter Lite to connect @BloodDonorsIN with people across the entire country, from the metros to rural India.
#BloodMatters @TwitterIndia with @BloodDonorsIn launch blood donation drive in #Bengaluru— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) March 21, 2018