Post IPO promoters holding in @bandhanbank_in will go down to 82% from 89%. @RBI norms require it to bring down to 40% & @SEBI_India rules call for 1yr. lock-in for promoters post IPO. "We will approach the regulators for some relaxations,' SK Ghosh, MD & CEO @bandhanbank_in— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) March 14, 2018
Bandhan Bank’s core strength and focus would be in the micro-finance business in which it has a market share of about 20 per cent in the country.
The Price Band for the @bandhanbank_in IPO is fixed from Rs. 370 to Rs. 375 per Equity Share. Bids can be made for a minimum lot of 40 Equity Shares and in multiples of 40 Equity Shares thereafter.The bank plans raise around Rs.4,473 cr. through its IPO— Press Release Watch (@PrReleaseWatch) March 14, 2018