Speaking on the launch of The Plush New XUV500, Rajan Wadhera, President, Automotive Sector, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. said, “Since its launch in 2011, the XUV500 has been a trendsetter in the premium SUV segment with its great value proposition of head-turning style, aspirational hi-tech features, unmatched performance and best-in-class safety. The XUV500 was the creator of the premium SUV segment in the Rs. 12 to 18 lakhs price range in India and continues to be the frontrunner in the segment when it comes to setting new trends and pushing boundaries. Today, with the launch of The Plush New XUV500, we have strengthened its value proposition further by creating new benchmarks in luxury and styling. It has been designed to meet the customer’s rising aspirations for more premium and luxurious offerings.”