Monday, August 26, 2024

#Russian schoolchildren from Donbas region to visit India

A group of students from educational institutions of war-torn Rostov-on-Don and Lugansk in Donbas region of Russia will visit the Sancta Maria International School in Faridabad, Haryana, to strengthen cultural and academic ties between the two countries.

The programme of the stay envisages participation of Russian schoolchildren in the educational process, organisation of seminars on Russian culture and holding joint events to mark the Indian Diwali holiday and the Russian Day of National Unity.
Russian schoolchildren from Donbas region to visit India

The event is designed to develop the interest of Indian teenagers in mastering the Russian language and getting acquainted with Russian culture. The administration of "Sancta Maria" has expressed interest in the possible inclusion of the Russian language in the curriculum. The organisation of a return tour of Indian students to Russia is also being considered in the future.