Saturday, August 21, 2010

SEER AKADEMI offers Part – Time M.S Program for all working Engineers

SEER AKADEMI, an academic initiative of the Worldwide University Program of Synopsys Inc (NasdaqGS: SNPS), a world leader in software and IP for semiconductor design, verification and manufacturing has introduced ‘Part - Time M.S program’ through Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), to all working engineers. Seer Akademi is currently offering ‘B.Tech certification program in VLSI and Embedded Systems’ at Reva ITM ( Bangalore ) which is Seer Akademi’s first center of excellence.

Seer Akademi provides industry-leading EDA tools and resources for teaching and academic research based on the curriculum of the Synopsys Worldwide University Program in India . Admissions for both Part–Time M.S program and B.Tech certification program in VLSI and the Embedded Systems and the last date for enrollment is Aug 25th 2010 and commence from September 1st, 2010. Further

details about the program can be had by sending a mail to

The planned focus of the Program is on training highly qualified specialists for India in the field of very large scale integration (VLSI) design and electronics’ product design. Using Synopsys products in a learning environment provides students with hands-on experience and enables graduates to quickly bring valuable skills to the fast paced world of semiconductor technology.

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Over the years, Synopsys has invested in 30+ courses in Micro-electronics covering all aspects of electronics’ products. These courses have been adopted as the reference curriculum at over 1100 colleges worldwide. Synopsys has further established an Educational Department in Armenia as a foundation that can offer degree / certificate programs compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).