Lenovo has announced a special Ganesh Chaturthi offer exclusively for its consumers in Maharashtra (including Mumbai). This offer enables end consumers to win free Tanishq Gift vouchers worth up to Rs. 4,999/- on the purchase of consumer Desktops and Notebooks from key retail outlets.
Announcing this offer, Mr. Alex Li- Vice President, Home & SMB (HSB), Lenovo India said, “On this auspicious occasion, Lenovo wishes all its customers a very happy Ganesh Chaturthi. We have introduced this special festive offer to spread more fervor amongst our consumers, offering them yet another reason to purchase a Lenovo consumer Desktop/Notebook. We are confident of our partners’ efforts in making the most of this offer”.
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Details of the Ganesh Chaturthi offer from Lenovo:
On the purchase of Lenovo’s consumer Notebooks and Desktops, end–customers get FREE Tanishq vouchers up to Rs. 4,999/- from Lenovo India. Each voucher has a minimum assured worth of Rs. 1000/–. The vouchers (which have a validity period of 6 months), are redeemable at select Tanishq outlets.