Friday, April 8, 2011

Comviva's Mobile Data Platform Achieves Single Biggest Milestone of Handling 350 Million Hits Per Day at 1.2 Gbps Speed

Comviva, the global leader in providing mobile solutions beyond VAS, today achieved yet another milestone for its Mobile Data Platform (MDP) deployed with one of the leading operators in India. Comviva’s MDP solution enabled and handled 350 Million hits per day with peak throughput of more than 7500 transactions per second. This is the single biggest achievement by a mobile data platform solution deployed at an operator in India.

Comviva has deployed its mobile data platform for various service providers in India and globally to enable them to support increased data traffic. Comviva's Mobile Data Platform deploys advanced optimization, data management and monetization techniques to enhance the user experience and stimulate revenue growth, whilst realizing bandwidth and CAPEX savings of over 40%.

Vikram Shanbhag, Vice President, Mobile Messaging Solutions, Comviva said, “This is one of single biggest achievement by Comviva’s proven Mobile Data Platform and we are proud of reaching this milestone in a record time of just five months. Comviva’s Mobile Data Platform enables operators to provide customers the power of real Internet on their mobile phones. For high-end device owners, MDP enables the Internet to be viewed, in as faithful a way as possible – bringing the Internet to life on the mobile phone. With access to Internet content up to 70% faster than using non-MDP enabled access, subscribers enjoy a faster and more satisfying service experience.”

Comviva’s Mobile Data Platform enables operators to focus on optimizing bandwidth and capex investment; enhancing the user’s service experience with personalization, policy and advanced analytics’ engines, whilst enhancing monetization opportunities with improved opportunities to price on a differential basis. Mobile Data Platform deploys a range of techniques to compress and accelerate Internet traffic–using smart caching algorithms to handle the demands of video and P2P and optimizing bandwidth and hardware investment to significantly rationalize costs. MDP also exploits management and monetization capabilities to deliver an enhanced service experience and drive revenue growth.

In operator sites across 3 continents, Comviva’s Mobile Data Platform achieved the following results – averaged across all deployments:

• Increased hits by up to 71%

• Achieved an average increase in data usage of 41%

• Grew subscriber volumes (new data users) by up to 56%

• Increased per subscriber data usage of up to 50%

• Realized cache volumes of an average of 236%

• Achieved compression rates of an average of 43%

About Comviva

Comviva is the global leader in providing mobile solutions beyond VAS. With an extensive portfolio of solutions spanning VAS infrastructure, applications delivery platforms and customer-facing applications, Comviva enables mobile service providers to enrich mobile users’ lives, whilst rationalizing costs, accelerating revenue growth and enhancing customer lifetime value. Comviva’s solutions are deployed by service providers in over 85 countries and power services to more than 650 million mobile subscribers globally. For more information, visit