Friday, October 12, 2012

BBC World News - Horizons - Delhi to explore what is being done about the proliferation of counterfeit drugs

BBC World News - Horizons - Delhi to explore what is being done about the proliferation of counterfeit drugs
BBC World News documentary show Horizons travels to Delhi to explore what is being done about the proliferation of counterfeit drugs, one of the biggest dangers facing India today.

Horizons will be showcasing an India Special Series filmed majorly in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. The series will feature on BBC World News on Saturday 7.00am & 2.00pm and Sunday 8.00pm and 1.00am

Saima Mohsin travels to Delhi to explore what is being done about the proliferation of counterfeit drugs, one of the biggest dangers facing India today. It threatens lives, discourages patients from using lifesaving innovation and deters much needed pharmaceutical investment. Over the last three years PharmaSecure has worked with companies in India to roll out their SMS authentication service on over 100 million drug packages for the domestic market. The system allows consumers to authenticate medicines by mobile phone.

The Horizons series, sponsored by DuPont, airs weekly on BBC World News on Saturday 7.00am & 2.00pm and Sunday 8.00pm and 1.00am.

For programme highlights and an insight into the future of global business, visit For all the latest news, behind-the-scenes pictures/videos and updates from Adam Shaw and Saima Mohsin please follow at TVseries and/or on twitter at @horizonsbiz.