Monday, February 24, 2014

Bangalore's First Integrated Waste Management Facility

Bangalore's First Integrated Waste Management Facility
Satarem India launches the Foundation Ceremony for the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Project on PPP model with BBMP, Bangalore. Satarem adopts Integrated Waste Management System which includes segregation, compost and power generation which is most ideal solution for Indian Municipal Solid Waste. The project facilities including segregation & compost windrow will be in completely closed environment.
For waste to energy, Satarem adopts co-combustion technology, a versatile technology which achieves near to zero dioxin & furan levels using our patented Dual Purpose Reactor (DPR) technology.  Bi-product of this technology, bottom ash is used in making construction materials like paver blocks & cement bricks.
Revenue streams of this project could come mainly from power generation, tipping fees, sale of Compost and other recyclables.
Integrated Waste Management Facility will be taken up in three phases. Phase I includes waste receipt, segregation, compost and landfill facility. Waste to Energy will be taken up in phase II with 14.5MW capacity of installed power generation.  Additional installed power generation capacity of 14.5MW will be taken up in Phase III.
The statutory licenses / approvals have been obtained required for the project to start construction activities of phase I & II. Total estimated project cost is around Rs. 300 Crores and financial closure is under final stages with 80% committed and balances 20% under discussion. The cost of Phase III
Advantages – Our Integrated Waste Management Facility:
•    Completely closed environment
•    No odour, No Flies and No Bird menace.
•    No Health Hazards.
•    Segregation of Bio-degradable waste for making compost.
•    Max Reduction in weight & volume of waste that has to be disposed of finally.
•    Making paver blocks & cement bricks from bottom ash
•    Reduces the requirement of land for landfill as inerts will be max of 5% of input waste.
•    Max Energy Recovery & Generation of Power.
•    Reduction of Co2 emissions being renewable energy.
•    Reduces  cost  of  waste  transportation  &  setting  up  of additional  Landfill  facilities .
•    M-WTE is ecologically and economically viable technology and long lasting solution.

This concept of Co-combustion with low emissions and the standards approved by Europe is now implemented throughout the world. There are more than 450 such WTE projects in the world and more than 60 such plants in China, Thailand and Turkey, waste in these countries is similar to our Indian waste. This concept has been encouraged by most municipalities & city corporations.
This facility will be “world class” and “showcase” from Bangalore, Karnataka to other cities in India and other neighboring countries.
The Govt. of Karnataka, KUM and BBMP have jointly made initiatives, research with their technical teams. We would like to thank GoK, KUM & BBMP especially The Mayor, The Commissioner.
We would also thank Karnataka State Pollution Control Board especially Chairman Mr. Vamanacharya for his great knowledge on the subject of Waste Management and initiatives taken in bringing technologies from European countries to give the city of Bangalore varied technologies.