ETV Kannada will be launching the TV show 'SUPER MINUTE' hosted by Southern Superstar GANESH, who will be staging his comeback to television, on 30 Aug 2014.The show is an adaptation of the Internationally acclaimed show 'Minute to win it' and will be aired on Sat & Sun at 9 pm and will feature celebrities from different walks of life, who are challenged to perform one minute games.
Talking about the launch of this show, Parameshwar Gundhkal – Programming Head, ETV Kannada said, “Super Minute is a continuation of ETV Kannada’s journey to provide enriching and innovative content to our loyalviewer base. Whether it is adaptations of existent formats or home grown formats, nonfiction as a genre has given ETV Kannada a legacy that we would like to revisit with Super Minute; while hoping to repeat this glorious history again.”
Talking about the launch of this show, Parameshwar Gundhkal – Programming Head, ETV Kannada said, “Super Minute is a continuation of ETV Kannada’s journey to provide enriching and innovative content to our loyalviewer base. Whether it is adaptations of existent formats or home grown formats, nonfiction as a genre has given ETV Kannada a legacy that we would like to revisit with Super Minute; while hoping to repeat this glorious history again.”